Quantumcart Private Limited

We take privacy and data protection seriously at Quantumcart Private Limited. This Privacy Statement explains how we handle personally identifiable information received from Customers/Users (you/ your) who use the services of Quantumcart Private Limited directly or through a third party and submit information to Quantumcart Private Limited through the Internet. As Quantumcart Private Limited services change, we may update this Policy; thus, please revisit this page periodically. Please email us at info@quantumcarts.net if you have any issues regarding our privacy policies.

This Policy outlines how we will use and safeguard your personal information. Your personal information will only be used for the purposes and in the manner permitted by relevant data protection regulations. We advise that you carefully read our Privacy Statement.


We share your data with you and any third party you wish us to share it with, Acquiring Banks, Quantumcart Private Limited Merchants and Facility providers, governmental, legal, regulatory, or similar agencies, on request or when necessary, and third-party service providers employed in the performance of some components of the Services (e.g., SMS delivery, email delivery, web notifications, app notifications, and phone number lookup).

Our Applications may interface with third-party services that you have previously dealt with (such as Facebook) or contain links to third-party material. Please note that Quantumcart Private Limited is not liable for such services, material, or the privacy policies connected with such services or content. Before using the services or content of a third party, we advise you to examine its privacy policies.


Quantumcart Private Limited must take reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorized access to and abuse of personally identifiable information Quantumcart Private Limited. We employ proper corporate processes and procedures to preserve and protect the personal information you provide. In addition to security processes and technological and physical constraints, we restrict access to and use of personal information stored on our servers. Only authorized staff are granted access to personal data for work-related purposes.

We will retain your personal information for as long as we deem it necessary to enable you to use our services, to provide our services to you (including maintaining the online user account (if created)), to comply with applicable laws, to resolve disputes with any parties, and to conduct our business, including to detect and prevent fraud or other illegal activities. This policy shall apply to any and all personal information we maintain.


A cookie is a small text file containing letters and numbers that your browser stores on your computer when you visit specific websites. A cookie enables a website to differentiate between your computer and other users' machines. Cookies do not include Personal Data unless you have previously provided it to the Website. If you like, you may erase or block cookies. Please note that this may make your usage of our websites less convenient.


The customer gets complete access and control over their given personal information. You are responsible for ensuring that your personal information is complete, accurate, and up-to-date. Customers can get a summary of their data by sending us an email. In certain circumstances, you can request that we modify, erase, or restrict the processing of the personal data we hold about you or object to specific uses of your data. Please notify us immediately of any changes or errors to your personal information.

  • You may request a copy of the personal information we maintain about a particular individual.
  • You may notify us of any changes to their data or request that we update any of their data in our possession.
  • An individual can request that we erase, block, or restrict the processing of their data, or object to certain methods in which we use their personal data; and
  • Sometimes, individuals can request that we share their personal information with a third party.

Where we use personal information with the individual's consent, they may revoke that consent at any time, according to relevant legislation. Moreover, according to relevant legislation, individuals have the right to object at any time to the processing of their data based on legitimate interest or the public interest. If you wish to object to processing your personal data based on a legitimate interest and there is no opt-out method available, please contact us at service@Quantumcart Private Limited.com.


Individuals may only use services provided by Quantumcart Private Limited over 18. Children's information is only processed with the consent of their parents or legal guardians or when they provide it to us themselves.


Quantumcart Private Limited takes concerns of privacy and data protection seriously. This Privacy Policy explains how we handle personally identifiable information gathered from Internet-based Sub-Merchants who register for services and submit data to Quantumcart Private Limited.com. This Policy may be revised as the Quantumcart Private Limited.com services change, so please check back periodically. Contact us at contact@Quantumcart Private Limited.com if you have concerns about Quantumcart Private Limited.com's privacy practices.


  • Providing notice of our information practices to consumers.
  • Provide consumers options about how their information is used beyond the intended purpose.
  • Ensure consumers can access their information and correct errors.
  • Ensure that personal information is protected reasonably.

Information security is essential for our company. We ensure the security of your information during transmission by utilizing Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts the data you enter. On secure computers, we keep the obtained data. There are restrictions on the number of people involved in managing the data center who have physical access to these machines. Our computers are protected against illegal access by sophisticated security technologies. You (Sub-Merchant) must guard against illegal access to your Login ID/password and computer. Remember to sign off when done using a shared computer and to safeguard the password used to access Quantumcart Private Limited.com's services.

When you visit a Quantumcart Private Limited.com Sub-Merchant purchase page, your IP address, computer's operating system, and browser software are recorded. The IP address allows us to establish the Internet Service Provider and geographic location of your point of access. We also track the domain name from which you contacted us, the pages you requested, the items you purchased, the website that sent you to us, and the amount of time you spent on the website.

Quantumcart Private Limited takes reasonable efforts to keep your personal information confidential and will not release it to other persons or organizations unless forced to do so by law. However, Quantumcart Private Limited.com will share information solely with other companies and organizations for fraud protection and risk reduction. However, in the case of misuse or security breach, we are not liable for any security breach or activities of any third parties that unlawfully access the information. Quantumcart Private Limited.com will not release customer information for use in mailing lists, surveys, or any other purpose not directly related to providing our services.

Third parties (such as our Acquiring banks and credit card processors) may access and share personally identifiable information when required by Quantumcart Private Limited.com to process payments. Quantumcart Private Limited.com is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of our users' personal information. Additionally, Quantumcart Private Limited.com may have links to several other websites. We are not liable for their privacy practices or how they handle information about their users. We retain the right to report any illegal behavior by our Sub-Merchants or their consumers to law police for punishment.


Quantumcart Private Limited as a responsible organization recognizes the importance of privacy rights. By transacting with us on Quantumcart Private Limited, customers from all over the world place their faith in us, and Quantumcart Private Limited appreciates this. We are committed to protecting your private information. This Policy also addresses the treatment of personally identifiable information that Quantumcart Private Limited back-end technology suppliers and partners may share with it. This notice outlines the use of your personal information collected by Quantumcart Private Limited.


Quantumcart Private Limited requests various information from its customers when they place an order online. This information includes a customer's name, telephone number, and email address. We gather the customer's name, contact information, debit/credit card information, and other information according to the various payment choices. (following the norms and regulations set by the (Country) and Card Companies, we collect Debit/Credit Card and other payment information). In addition to collecting information from the customer's computer, phone, tablet, or other device used to access our services to reduce the likelihood of risk and fraud, we also collect information from the customer's computer, phone, tablet, or other devices. This includes the Customer's IP address, browser, and language preferences.

We obtain information about the customer from other parties or automatically gather additional information. We may also obtain information about you from additional sources. This includes business partners, such as affiliate partners and other independent third parties, whose information may be merged with your information. This is a summary of the collected information.


We collect personal data to provide optimal service. To reduce the probability and danger of online/offline fraud. We need the customer's personal information to authorize and finish their transactions or requests to deliver our service. We primarily gather and analyze your data for the following reasons:

  • To assist you in acquiring the Products/Services you have requested and to execute any payments associated with such Products/Services.
  • To contact you if necessary regarding the Products/Services you've purchased/requested or any messages you may have supplied us.
  • To supply you with client service.
  • To prevent fraud and ensure safety.
  • To assist in the enhancement of our Applications and Services.
  • The use of this information is required to further our legitimate interests.


We may also receive information about you from other sources. In addition to our business partners, such as affiliates, and other independent third parties, any information we acquire from them may be combined with the information you provide.

For inquiries about your information or to update your billing/shipping information, please contact us at info@quantumcarts.net